Castle Mountain Lodge Blog

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Fish Stocking Day!


One of the best features of the property here at Castle Mountain Lodge is our more than 1000 feet of Fall River that rushes by your cabin. Guests love to take a walk along our river trail, sit and relax on the banks, or throw a line in and catch their dinner! We want to make sure this experience is memorable for every guest so we stock the river for you a few times each summer with healthy trout from local fisheries.

The trout tend to stay within a couple hundred yards from where they are released as long as the river isn’t at its peak. So we wait until the bulk of the snowmelt is over and the level of the water drops a bit before stocking it up. The first stocking of the year is typically mid July and we just got our fish this week!

We have poles and tackle in the lobby to check out (for free). If you do need worms, which work very well, you can get those at a few spots in town. Just ask!

Hope to see you along our banks and best of luck!

estes park fishing

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